Category Archives: Music

Leeds n’ that

Back once again…. Massive hugs to Cartullis peeps for last weekend. Amazing party. Massive thumbs down to the 20 mph speed camera on Tower Bridge though.

This weekend I am in Leeds to celebrate the release of my single on EAR


And also you can hear me talk about life the universe and everything on Resident Advisor’s Exchange (click on image for link)



That’s All Folks





Hi everyone….

Bombarding you with news today so look out….Nothing much else to report from the real world as I have been having a week off with the ninjas. Massive love to all the stateside peebles that came out in support of my mini US weekend. Tonight I return to the legendary Cartullis Day. Meanwhile I am off to buy some sprouts from the market…Kiss your faces x Luke

(click on images for info)




Out Now on Digital

Also out now on Vinyl only

Moxa this Friday, the Old Grey Whistle test and mother fudging squirrels, Oh, and OxO cubes….

Hi. So. This weekend. Moxa in Mantova. Also. Did you know, the Old Grey Whistle Test is named such because…When DJ’s received test pressings and played them in a club, if the bouncers whistled along to the song, it was sure to be a hit…or something…I had no idea…Also, ever had problems opening those damn silver OXO packets…well, stress no longer. Simply crush the cube before opening to form a square packet which you simply tear along the top. And. Finally. We have a squirrel infestation. Which is like an ant infestation but with added nuts. That’s all. Love you , miss you. x


Oh and. I have a new remix out. All the info here

Days in the Life # 3

Since I last wrote I have been continuing my abstinence from online distraction. The longer I leave it the easier it gets. I feel like I am living in a world where I no longer know everything about everything. That came to light last week during the Stop on Line Piracy protests. I was delighted to find that Megaupload had been taken down, so delighted that I forwarded my delight to a friend who is very much still on Twitter. He told me that Twitter had been alight with masses of opinions by gazillions of people all varying in shapes and sizes. My first reaction was a breath of relief. Those are the Twitter and Facebook moments that I have grown to dread, and I am so glad to be away from it. My blood pressure is stable. Instead I have had discussions with like minded souls who are relatively on the same page, but who also have slight difference in opinions.  I was forwarded a couple of great articles alongside the Ben Watt/Robert Levine interview. Two of which you can read here


Thanks to Ewan Pearson for sending me those.


In other news I have had my head buried in finishing Mother Rose.



And Freaks have signed a record to Hot Creations. More on that soon……

Police and Thieves

The world has spent their week shaking their walking sticks around, up in arms over the Stop On Line Piracy Act. Internet blackouts, hissy fits and all kinds of non communicative nonsense.

Those who know me, know my stance. I refuse to bend over and take it up the arse, as my Dad once said. I will fight till the death to defend my job and source of revenue. The hours I work and the money I invest to create something that hopefully some people will gain pleasure from will not be snatched from me for nothing. And music will most definitely not become my hobby.

This week Ben Watt from Buzzin’ Fly (an independent dance label,) interviewed Robert Levine, author of Free Ride, a book about piracy and “free” culture.

I am a huge fan of Levine’s intelligent stance on the whole aspect of piracy. Here is a quote from the interview :


“How well drafted is SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and what impact do you think it will have? 

That’s very hard to answer because it’s a complicated law that keeps changing almost daily. I think SOPA had some problems, some of which were solved before Christmas and almost all of which will be solved when the DNS-blocking provisions are blocked. At the same time, most of the objections were a little silly – enforcing copyright isn’t censorship, and I can’t see how keeping the current structure of the Internet the same way it was in 1995 is more important than a body of law that’s hundreds of years old. The truth is that most of SOPA’s opponents will object to anything that enforces copyright because they hate it on principle or their businesses depend on the intellectual property of others – mostly the latter. And it’s important to remember that many of the nonprofit organizations that came out against the bill receive some funding from Google. Again, to be clear, SOPA had problems. But it’s important to keep in mind that the goal of the other side isn’t to derail SOPA – it’s to prevent any kind of law or legal precedent that would protect creators rights. ”


And here is a direct link to the full interview. (Click on image)

When Hell Broke Loose….

Tom Waits is not for everyone that’s for sure. But one thing is for sure, he knows how to push boundaries. A song from the new album that is possibly one of the angriest things I have heard in quite some time. An anti war song from the mouth of a soldier. The drums, music and vocals conjure up something really quite terrifying. I love hearing records that take you to a place. Not sure it’s a place I want to be but it’s still mad mad piece of music …..

Days in the Life # 2

The last couple of weeks have I have been immersed in DJing and music making.

The weekend just past I travelled with fellow Freak, Jonny Rock, to Zukunft in Zurich, hosted by the wonderful Kalabrese. A fantastic night amplified by the marvelous man that is Lexx who set the night up nicely.

Earlier in the week I had rampantly been gathering together files from a project I have been working on under the guise of Mother Rose, alongside the wonderful guitarist that is Andy Neal. 18 months of creativity have come to fruition and we got to go and make it sound all special on the great beast of a Neve desk. The first single will be out next month with a remix from Baldelli.

I will post a sample up here shortly.

I now have a week buried in receipts which shall be accompanied by day time television and cup a soup

Rock and Roll kids.


50 words for …..















I was most excited this xmas when I found out that my 21 year old nephew had had the outline of Kate Bush’s Kick Inside tattooed to his left arm.  Good lad I said. And punched him really hard in the arm. Not that i have ever wanted to punch Kate Bush in the face, it just felt like a fun thin to do. I had previously bought 50 words for Snow, and it became our family xmas travel album. My initial response was that it felt very grown up, which isn’t always a bad thing. It progressed and gathered pace. Then Elton John started singing. Oh dear. I tried to pretend it wasn’t him, but the words Lion King kept entering my head. I had to skip. But then that led to the title track, the one that had been getting all the press due to Stephen Fry’s appearance. The one the journo’s had called the stinker. (Journalists dictate what is cool and what isn’t and apparently Stephen Fry is way down the barometer these days. Who’d have thought.) The drums kick in straight off, and within seconds I was taken back to Eno and Byrne’s Jezebel Spirit. Now I’m a sucker for a concept song, and this is exactly what that is. But more than that it is quite simply a brilliant record. Give it 10 years folks when the Frymania has died down, and we are over the backlash and on to something “cooler.” Give it time, and people will realise that this record is a classic. Now don’t let that put you listening to the rest of the album. It’s great, but it’s not aerial in the contemporary sense. It is in fact very grown up. And feel free to mute the Lion King duet….But it is a mad album made by a truly great artist. And one of kind of which there aren’t many left.